Fitness/Wellness Journal: Entry 3

I am here to report that I had a challenging week.

I jinxed myself last week by declaring that eating a protein rich diet consisting of foods that I enjoy has kept my cravings for junk at bay. This is still true! But I’m human. All last week I was craving junk, mostly sweets. I was even a little irritable throughout the week.

As someone who religiously tracks data and inputs/outputs related to their fitness and health it was frustrating not being able to pin down why I was having these cravings and feeling this way. There was also two days last week that I did not track my macros. So as you can see in the chart below the only data I have available for this week is my weight which changed by +0.6 lbs.

I think I am mostly dealing with some sort of causation/correlation dilemma. On Monday I did not track my macros which threw me off a little bit mentally. I quickly course corrected by reminding myself how crazy it was to live and die by each calorie counted. I also think that I did not hydrate as optimally as I normally do. This was probably the cause of my cravings and irritability but again, I may be trying to create links that don’t exist.

The truth is, I needed to take a step back. I am always preaching balance and I wasn’t living by my own advice. My nutrition and fitness have been extremely dialed in for several months now. It’s perfectly normal to hit a bump in the road. The only exercise I did all weekend was to walk a couple miles each day. My body needed it. I also crushed some pizza and wings on Sunday. Thats life.

Don’t forget that not every single day is going to be perfect. Strive for consistency, not perfection.

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